Purpose of the Establishment・Message

The Luxury Japan Tourism Organization is an organization dedicated to the promotion of luxury tourism.
Year after year, the world's affluent population is increasing, and the demand for tourism by the affluent is also expanding. In order to realize a true tourism-oriented country, the entire country must work together to develop services and facilities that meet the needs of these wealthy people. In addition, to prevent overtourism from exhausting tourist destinations, a shift from "quantity" to "quality" of tourists is required, and efforts to promote luxury tourism will become even more important in the future.
The Luxury Japan Tourism Organization will contribute to the development of the luxury tourism industry as a whole by providing the latest information on luxury tourism and offering online opportunities for matching domestic and international buyers with domestic sellers.
For more information on Luxury Japan Virtual Travel Market (abbreviated name: LJTM), a matching website specializing in the affluent market for buyers, sellers, local governments, and DMOs in Japan and overseas, please see the overview introduction.

and DMOs in Japan and overseas, specializing in the affluent market

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smartphones, tablets, etc.
Membership Inquiries

For any questions about our organization, membership inquiries, or to subscribe to our newsletter, please fill out the form below.